Vernaccia di Oristano
An ancient and noble species, found in Sardinia since the times of the
Phoenicians, who introduced it along the Oristano coast, the Sinis
peninsula and the ancient staging port of Tharros.
Cultivation has always been exclusively limited to the Province of
Oristano, where it is chiefly grown using the alberello latino method. It
flourishes in the low terrain of the Tirso and Rio Mannu flood-lands. The
name of the vine, held to have been conferred by the Romans, derives
from vernacula, which means a grape of the zone. This would explain the
presence of the Vernacce species in other wine-producing zones of Italy,
although they have nothing in common with Sardinian Vernaccia.
This superb wine, the pride of Sardinian oenology, owes its unique
characteristics to an oxidative maturation, of at least 3-4 years in barrels
which are not completely filled. The presence of oxygen encourages the
rise of yeast to the top of the must, forming characteristic flor film, which
contributes to the special aroma, known in the ancient vernacular as
Murrai. This particular refinement happens even today in the traditional
wineries (cantine di Oristano) made of straw and mud with a typical
terracotta roof. As long ago as the 19th century, Cettolini wrote of
Vernaccia, “… It must be judged by the senses… its aroma is worthy; the
delicacy of its completeness conquers us- that curious taste of bitter fruit,
so gracious, so seductive, of which we never tire. Instead, we submit”.
This poetic description is well-suited to Vernaccia, a dry wine with a
unique personality revealed to us through all its sensory expressions,
including the warm amber shades of its colour, its complex, ethereal taste
sensations of Madera, dried fruit, almond flowers and bitter honey which
linger on the palate with extraordinary tenacity. Apart from DOC Vernaccia
di Oristano, the first Denomination recognised in Sardinia in 1971, a young
white wine known commercially as IGT Valle del Tirso is produced.
Phoenicians, who introduced it along the Oristano coast, the Sinis
peninsula and the ancient staging port of Tharros.
Cultivation has always been exclusively limited to the Province of
Oristano, where it is chiefly grown using the alberello latino method. It
flourishes in the low terrain of the Tirso and Rio Mannu flood-lands. The
name of the vine, held to have been conferred by the Romans, derives
from vernacula, which means a grape of the zone. This would explain the
presence of the Vernacce species in other wine-producing zones of Italy,
although they have nothing in common with Sardinian Vernaccia.
This superb wine, the pride of Sardinian oenology, owes its unique
characteristics to an oxidative maturation, of at least 3-4 years in barrels
which are not completely filled. The presence of oxygen encourages the
rise of yeast to the top of the must, forming characteristic flor film, which
contributes to the special aroma, known in the ancient vernacular as
Murrai. This particular refinement happens even today in the traditional
wineries (cantine di Oristano) made of straw and mud with a typical
terracotta roof. As long ago as the 19th century, Cettolini wrote of
Vernaccia, “… It must be judged by the senses… its aroma is worthy; the
delicacy of its completeness conquers us- that curious taste of bitter fruit,
so gracious, so seductive, of which we never tire. Instead, we submit”.
This poetic description is well-suited to Vernaccia, a dry wine with a
unique personality revealed to us through all its sensory expressions,
including the warm amber shades of its colour, its complex, ethereal taste
sensations of Madera, dried fruit, almond flowers and bitter honey which
linger on the palate with extraordinary tenacity. Apart from DOC Vernaccia
di Oristano, the first Denomination recognised in Sardinia in 1971, a young
white wine known commercially as IGT Valle del Tirso is produced.
1 to 4 (from a total of 4)
Vernaccia di Oristano