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Birrificio 4mori

The Birrificio 4Mori was founded in March 2013 by Paolo Lai and Antonio Zanda, later joined by master brewers Matthias Muller and Fabio Serra. Driven by a deep passion, they aimed for more than just a business venture. They harnessed entrepreneurship to create value—jobs, economic impact—while prioritizing sustainability, environmental preservation, and cultural heritage. Housed in the historical setting of Geominerario Park Montevecchio, an old power plant from 1900 was transformed into a modern craft brewery. Their beers tell a story of both past and future, crafted meticulously following the Bavarian Beer Purity Law of 1516. Their specialty lies in predominantly producing bottom-fermented, unfiltered, unpasteurized beers, available after a 40-day maturation period. Raw materials are carefully selected, often sourced locally. The company aims to utilize local resources and renewable energy to reduce CO2 emissions. Employee education is a focus, ensuring the maintenance of quality and business growth.
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